Use [GNU Stow]( (`apt install stow`, etc.). The repo has a `.stowrc` which should target your home directory as the installation directory, but in some cases the `~` may not be evaluated and you'll have to specify `--target="$HOME"`.
If you're using a shell that does match patterns where `*` doesn't match dotfiles by default (bash, zsh) you can just `cd` into this repo and `stow *` to install everything. You may also want to use `*~kde` (using the `~` exclude token) if you want the dotfiles for all the CLI tools but not my desktop environment shit. Or you can just list the shit you want.
Most of my git configuration lives in `~/.config/git/personal.gitconfig`, which is `include`d from `~/.gitconfig`. I do this to separate system-specific configuration that may be set by automated tools (i.e. the Github CLI setting up credential managers for and from my personal, cross-platform configuration (e.g. my identity and aliases).
Keep configuration that should be synced between computers in the `personal.gitconfig` file, and after cloning the repository, consider telling Git to ignore local changes to the main `.gitconfig` file: