Make remote names in zsh prompt a different color

This commit is contained in:
Erin 2022-05-20 11:33:49 -04:00
parent fcaf898f5c
commit e1dc8a384a

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@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ function parse_git_branch {
# Set the main prompt to show hostname if connected remotely + git branch
export PROMPT="%B$([ -n "$is_remote" ] && echo "%F{blue}%m%f ")%F{cyan}%n%f %F{blue}%~%f%b\$(parse_git_branch) %B%#%b "
export PROMPT="%B$([ -n "$is_remote" ] && echo "%F{magenta}%m%f ")%F{cyan}%n%f %F{blue}%~%f%b\$(parse_git_branch) %B%#%b "
# Hook preexec/precmd to dynamically set rprompt with useful info
function preexec {