2023-07-20 00:39:38 -04:00

29 lines
1.2 KiB

# exports info about the currently fronting PK system member for use in prompts
function fetch_fronter_information {
# return non-zero if secrets are missing
[ -n "$PLURALKIT_API_TOKEN" ] || return 1
[ -n "$PLURALKIT_SYSTEM_ID" ] || return 1
# fetch first current fronter from API
response="$(curl -sH "Authorization: $PLURALKIT_API_TOKEN" "$endpoint")"
fronter="$(echo "$response" | jq -r '.members[0] // empty')"
# return gracefully without doing anything if there is no current fronter
[ -n "$fronter" ] || return
# export information about the fronter
export PK_FRONTER_ID="$(echo $fronter | jq -r '.id')"
export PK_FRONTER_NAME="$(echo $fronter | jq -r '.name')"
export PK_FRONTER_DISPLAY_NAME="$(echo $fronter | jq -r '.display_name')"
export PK_FRONTER_AVATAR_URL="$(echo $fronter | jq -r '.avatar_url')"
color="$(echo $response | jq -r '.members[0].color // empty')"
[ -n "$color" ] && export PK_FRONTER_COLOR="#$color"
# fetch the fronter color every precmd and export it for the prompt
function set_fronter_information {
eval_with_secrets fetch_fronter_information