import * as fs from 'node:fs'; import express from 'express'; const sites = fs.readFileSync('./webring.txt', 'utf-8') // split lines .split(/\r?\n/) // trim whitespace from each line .map(site => site.trim()) // exclude empty lines and lines that start with # because why not .filter(site => site && !site.startsWith('#')); console.log(sites); // modulo that does the right thing with negatives // const mod = (n, m) => ((n % m) + m) % m; function handle (offset, request, response) { const from = request.query.from; const index = sites.findIndex(site => site === from); if (!from || index === -1) { response.status(400).send('the provided site is not in the webring'); return; } response.redirect(301, sites[mod(index + offset, sites.length)]); } express() .get('/prev', (request, response) => handle(-1, request, response)) .get('/next', (request, response) => handle(+1, request, response)) .listen(process.env.PORT || 8080, () => { console.log('doing the thing'); })